What in the world is a Japanese mimi kaki ear scoop?
Japanese traditionally clean the wax from the insides of their ears with a small bamboo hook, called a mimi kaki. Also referred to as an ear ladle or misspelled as ladle or ear spoon. Psst...there's actually a category for mimi kaki fetish. It's for people who love to have their significant other clean their ears. There needs to be a high level of trust here or you could be hurt if you say the wrong thing.Hmmm...interesting?! No? YES!
As a parent this is a useful way to hold your child lovingly and use the soft, fluffy ball to caress in between a little cleaning. Good hygeine is very important in Japan - as it should be everywhere!
Now you can clean your ears in true Japanese style, with this set of two really cool traditional Japanese mimi kaki cleaners. Too little ear wax increases the risk of infection. Too much wax also increases the incidence of infection and hearing loss. So, you want just enough.
The smooth horn ear spoon will not harm the inner ear. One of the cleaners is smaller than the other and has a little wooden "Daruma" figure on it. The end of the longer cleaner has a soft, plush end for gently caressing your ear. ahh...see what you've been missing
Japanese traditionally clean the wax from the insides of their ears with a small bamboo hook, called a mimi kaki. Also referred to as an ear ladle or misspelled as ladle or ear spoon. Psst...there's actually a category for mimi kaki fetish. It's for people who love to have their significant other clean their ears. There needs to be a high level of trust here or you could be hurt if you say the wrong thing.Hmmm...interesting?! No? YES!
As a parent this is a useful way to hold your child lovingly and use the soft, fluffy ball to caress in between a little cleaning. Good hygeine is very important in Japan - as it should be everywhere!
Now you can clean your ears in true Japanese style, with this set of two really cool traditional Japanese mimi kaki cleaners. Too little ear wax increases the risk of infection. Too much wax also increases the incidence of infection and hearing loss. So, you want just enough.
The smooth horn ear spoon will not harm the inner ear. One of the cleaners is smaller than the other and has a little wooden "Daruma" figure on it. The end of the longer cleaner has a soft, plush end for gently caressing your ear. ahh...see what you've been missing